This study was conducted to is to assess the role of microdebrider assisted turbinoplasty in children with hypertrophic inferior turbinate in the long-lasting reduction of the turbinate size, preservation of the turbinate mucosal surface, maintenance of the function and complications, the study was designed as a prospective cohort series study. The study was held in Beni-Suef specialized hospital and in Beni-Suef university. This study included 40 patients in childhood period of (9 to 15) years old with hypertrophic inferior turbinate were diagnosed and all patients were be treated by Microdibreder assisted turbinoplasty. This study revealed that the maximum time for debriding the turbinate was 30 minutes and the minimum time was 20 with an average 22.5 minutes.During the operation 5 patients had mucosal tears (25%) and only in 2 patients (5%) suction electrocautery was used to achieve hemostasis. In 4 patients, bony turbinate was thick (10%) and n 36 patients it was thin (90%). There was a significant improvement of the nasal obstruction and other symptoms of hypertrophy. This study concluded that Microdebrider is the best technique used to improve nasal obstruction caused by hypertrophic inferior turbinate in children by decreasing its size with the ability to preserve the entire turbinal mucosa, except for a notch in the anterior pole of the turbinate. Keeping its functional structures intact, the turbinate can remain fully normal after the procedure.
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Khalid, A., Abdel Monaem, M., Abdelmoaty, K., & Mouhamed, A. (2022). Microdebrider-Assisted Turbinoplasty in Children with Hypertrophic Inferior Turbinate. Egyptian Journal of Medical Research, 3(2), 144-155. doi: 10.21608/ejmr.2022.238824
Ashraf Mahmoud Khalid; Mohamed Sherif Ahmed Abdel Monaem; Khalid Abdelmoaty; Abdelrhman Omar Mouhamed. "Microdebrider-Assisted Turbinoplasty in Children with Hypertrophic Inferior Turbinate", Egyptian Journal of Medical Research, 3, 2, 2022, 144-155. doi: 10.21608/ejmr.2022.238824
Khalid, A., Abdel Monaem, M., Abdelmoaty, K., Mouhamed, A. (2022). 'Microdebrider-Assisted Turbinoplasty in Children with Hypertrophic Inferior Turbinate', Egyptian Journal of Medical Research, 3(2), pp. 144-155. doi: 10.21608/ejmr.2022.238824
Khalid, A., Abdel Monaem, M., Abdelmoaty, K., Mouhamed, A. Microdebrider-Assisted Turbinoplasty in Children with Hypertrophic Inferior Turbinate. Egyptian Journal of Medical Research, 2022; 3(2): 144-155. doi: 10.21608/ejmr.2022.238824