There is controversy about the role of auto anti-bodies against desmoglein 3 (Dsg 3) in the pathogenesis of lichen planus (LP). The goal of this study is to detect desmoglein-3 auto-antibodies in lichen planus patients comparted to normal control persons via investigating its potential role in the pathogenesis of this disease. A case control study for detection of Desmoglein-3 autoantibodies in serum of 40 lichen planus patients and 40 healthy controls using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) technique.The patients and healthy controls were recruited from Dermatology outpatient clinic at Beni-Suef University hospital. The measurement of anti Dsg3 antibodies in LP patients was significantly higher as compared to normal control persons. The mean scores were 1361.37 ± 300.5 in oral LP & 2118.70 ± 584.37 in cutaneous LP vs. 66.98 ±70.95 in controls (p-value < 0.001). Desmoglein-3 auto-antibodies in LP may have a role in the pathogenesis of the disease. Further investigations are needed for detection of Dsg 3 auto-antibodies in LP skin biopsy or blood samples by other methods such as Immunofluorescence.
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Abd-El Aziz El-Rifaie; Laila Ahmed Rashed; Mona El sayed Ahmed Abdellatif; Asmaa Abdel Ghany Mohamed. "Detection of Desmoglein-3 Auto-Antibodies in Patients with Lichen Planus", Egyptian Journal of Medical Research, 3, 3, 2022, 105-116. doi: 10.21608/ejmr.2022.254009
El-Rifaie, A. A., Rashed, L., Abdellatif, M., Mohamed, A. (2022). 'Detection of Desmoglein-3 Auto-Antibodies in Patients with Lichen Planus', Egyptian Journal of Medical Research, 3(3), pp. 105-116. doi: 10.21608/ejmr.2022.254009
El-Rifaie, A. A., Rashed, L., Abdellatif, M., Mohamed, A. Detection of Desmoglein-3 Auto-Antibodies in Patients with Lichen Planus. Egyptian Journal of Medical Research, 2022; 3(3): 105-116. doi: 10.21608/ejmr.2022.254009