Study of Helicobacter pylori infection in liver cirrhosis secondary to Hepatitis C Virus infection

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Beni Suef University, Egypt

2 Department of Internal Medicine, Beni Suef general Hospital, Egypt


Helicobacter pylori is a microaerophile Gram-negative bacillus, resistant to the activity of gastric juice. The bacteria may take the vegetative form (spiral shape) or sporulation form .Liver cirrhosis and H.Pylori infection are two common diseases in our population and reducing the incidence of complications in cirrhotic subjects is an important step in current gastroenterology practice. The aim of the present study is to determine incidence of H. Pylori infection among patients with liver cirrhosis secondary to HCV infection and study the correlation between esophageal varices degree and H. Pylori infection. This study involved 50 patients with liver cirrhosis secondary to Hepatitis C Virus infection were selected from gastroenterology and internal medicine clinics at Beni-Suef general hospital and Beni-Suef university hospital. Our results illustrate that the percent of H. pylori infection among studied patients was 68%, our results illustrate that there is statistically significant association between the grade of varices and the detection of H. pylori; p value is less than 0.001.


Main Subjects

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