LncRNAsAk058003 Overexpression in the Blood of a Group of Breast Cancer Egyptian females

Document Type : Original Article


1 Clinical&chemical pathology department-faculty of medicine- Beni Suef university

2 Clinical and chemical pathology department, faculty of medicine, benisuef university

3 Clinical and chemical pathology. Bani_sueif university. Bani_sueif

4 Onology department. Bani_sueif university. Bani_suif

5 Clinical Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Beni-Suef University, Egypt


Background: Breast cancer (BC) is one of commonest malignancies among females. Many factors play a role in breast cancer like age at menarche and menopause, breastfeeding, physical activity, and dietary habit. However, genetics still play a significant role as a key player in breast cancer occurrence.
Objectives: This research aimed to assess the gene expression of Lnc RNAs AK058003 and to analyze their dysregulation with clinical features in Egyptian BC patients.
Methods: A case-control research was done with 27 breast cancer patients ages 30 to 80 years old at Beni-Suef University Hospital, Clinical Pathology Department & Oncology Department .The average participation ages of 27 patients were matched with 27 healthy controls. Using the qRT-PCR kit, we detected LncRNAs AK058003 gene expression levels in the blood.
Results: BC patients had a higher level of LncRNAs AK058003 gene expression than healthy controls (P =0.025) , there was a correlation between LncRNAs AK058003 and family history (P- value=0.010). The sensitivity and specificity of AK058003 is 74.1% and 77.8% respectively at cut off value 0.42 (P= 0.025) was found among breast cancer. The level of the gene expression was not linked to patient age, parity, or grade &type of BC (P>0.05).
Conclusion: There was a significant association between LncRNAs AK058003 expression level in the blood of BC females, but further research is needed to completely understand LncRNA's molecular mechanisms for future incidence and prognosis


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