Background: Nasal Obstruction is a prevalent sign which affects 25% of people. Nasal obstruction is often caused by septal deviation, middle and inferior turbinate hypertrophy, nasal polyposis, or pharyngeal tonsils hypertrophy. Among these causes, inferior turbinate hypertrophy is the most prevalent etiology of nasal obstruction. Aim of the Work: To compare the results of microdebrider assisted inferior turbinoplasty (MAIT) and bipolar cautery in treatment of inferior turbinate hypertrophy and post operative morbidity. Patients and Methods: Twenty cases from the ENT outpatient clinic in the Beni Suef hospital were recruited. All patients had the following surgical procedures performed in order to relieve their nasal obstruction. In every patient, on the Right side, the hypertrophic inferior turbinate was reduced using MAIT (Group A operation). A submucosal diathermy (SMD) using bipolar was performed on the Left side (Group B operation). Results: There was no significant difference in crust at 1, 2 and 3 weeks post operative between the studied groups but there was a significant decrease in frequency of crust among Group I compared to II from 4 week post operative till end of follow up. Also, there was no significant difference between 1- and 8-week post treatment in Groups II but there was a significant decrease in frequency of crust between 1 and 8 weeks in Group I. Conclusion: As inferior turbinates hypertrophy is a prevalent cause of nasal obstruction, it is seen with relative frequency in ENT clinics. Most patients are effective for the treatment with topical steroids and/or antihistamines. Conversely, some cases exhibit resistance to medical treatment. Proper history taking with proper diagnosis and treatment of laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) is important before proceeding to trurbinate surgery.
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Khaled, A., Fahim, R., Naguib, D., & Hafez, K. (2024). Microdebrider-Assisted Turbinoplasty versus Bipolar Cautery in Treatment of Inferior Turbinate Hypertrophy. Egyptian Journal of Medical Research, 5(4), 138-151. doi: 10.21608/ejmr.2024.250959.1500
Ashraf Mahmoud Khaled; Ramez Sabry Fahim; Dina Mohamed Naguib; Khaled Abd Elmoaty Hafez. "Microdebrider-Assisted Turbinoplasty versus Bipolar Cautery in Treatment of Inferior Turbinate Hypertrophy", Egyptian Journal of Medical Research, 5, 4, 2024, 138-151. doi: 10.21608/ejmr.2024.250959.1500
Khaled, A., Fahim, R., Naguib, D., Hafez, K. (2024). 'Microdebrider-Assisted Turbinoplasty versus Bipolar Cautery in Treatment of Inferior Turbinate Hypertrophy', Egyptian Journal of Medical Research, 5(4), pp. 138-151. doi: 10.21608/ejmr.2024.250959.1500
Khaled, A., Fahim, R., Naguib, D., Hafez, K. Microdebrider-Assisted Turbinoplasty versus Bipolar Cautery in Treatment of Inferior Turbinate Hypertrophy. Egyptian Journal of Medical Research, 2024; 5(4): 138-151. doi: 10.21608/ejmr.2024.250959.1500