Background: Thalassemia is the commonest hereditary hemolytic anemia in Egypt. It was estimated that 1000 per 1, 5 Million live births per year are born with thalassemia. Iron overload is a major complication of repeated blood transfusion in patients with thalassemia. Objectives: This study was conducted to evaluate Iron overload in pediatric patients with beta thalassemia major and comparing this with the control serum level. Methods: The study included fourty five patients with ß- thalassemia major with fourty five age and sex matched controls. Patients were selected from the outpatient's clinics of the Pediatric Hematology unit and the inpatients of Pediatric department. Patients and control were subjected to clinical evaluation and complete blood count along with serum ferritin (using the ELISA technique). Results: serum ferritin level was significantly higher in patients with beta thalassemia major compared with controls. There was significant difference between both groups as regard , TIBC (µM), HbA2 level (%), HbA level (%), HbF level (%). Conclusion: We concluded that the serum levels of ferritin were significantly higher in patients with beta thalassemia major in comparison to control group.
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Bakheet, M., Abd EL-Halim, S., Morgan, D., & Abd Elkareem, R. (2024). Evaluation of Iron overload in pediatric patients with beta thalassemia major. Egyptian Journal of Medical Research, 5(1), -. doi: 10.21608/ejmr.2023.221945.1417
Marina Samir Bakheet; Sahar Salah Abd EL-Halim; Dalia Saber Morgan; Rehab Muhammad Abd Elkareem. "Evaluation of Iron overload in pediatric patients with beta thalassemia major", Egyptian Journal of Medical Research, 5, 1, 2024, -. doi: 10.21608/ejmr.2023.221945.1417
Bakheet, M., Abd EL-Halim, S., Morgan, D., Abd Elkareem, R. (2024). 'Evaluation of Iron overload in pediatric patients with beta thalassemia major', Egyptian Journal of Medical Research, 5(1), pp. -. doi: 10.21608/ejmr.2023.221945.1417
Bakheet, M., Abd EL-Halim, S., Morgan, D., Abd Elkareem, R. Evaluation of Iron overload in pediatric patients with beta thalassemia major. Egyptian Journal of Medical Research, 2024; 5(1): -. doi: 10.21608/ejmr.2023.221945.1417