Single ceasarian section versus multiple ceasarian sections in magnitude of maternal and fetal complications: a case control study

Document Type : Original Article


Obstetrics and Gynecology department, Faculty of medicine, Beni- Suef University, Beni-Suef, 62514 Egypt


There is a rise in repeated cesarean sections (CSs) with associated maternal & fetal complications. The study was to assess these risks at Beni- suef university hospital. 300 parturient women divided equally in 3 groups: control group, 2nd group with previous one CS, and the 3rd group with previous two or more cesarean deliveries. Pre-operative or intraoperative problems, estimated blood loss, longer Operation time, time to regaining bowel movement, hospital stay, intra and post-operative blood transfusion and doses of post CS analgesic were significantly increased among cases in the 3rd group. The number of neonates admitted to the NICU and neonatal deaths was higher while the mean Apgar score was significantly lower in the 3rd group. Strong correlation present between maternal & fetal complications with low Apgar score. Conclusion: Maternal and Neonatal outcomes were worse in mothers with previous two or more cesarean deliveries in comparison with other two groups.


Main Subjects

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