Background: One of the major causes of newborn mortality is sepsis. The results of sepsis in newborns include cardiovascular problems. Specific hemodynamic phenotypes may be distinguished by echocardiography, which also facilitates physiology-based therapy of sepsis-related cardiovascular dysfunction on an individual basis. The Left Ventricular Output (LVO), Right Ventricular Output (RVO), and Superior Vena Cava Flow (SVCF) are the three parameters that are most often used to evaluate the central blood flow in newborns. Aim: This research used functional echocardiography to assess LVO, RVO, and SVCF in newborns with sepsis. Patients and methods: In the Beni-Suef University Hospital Neonatal Care Unit, this case-control research was carried out. There were 40 newborn sepsis cases and 40 healthy controls in it. All research participants had a meticulous medical history, comprehensive physical examination, and a battery of investigations, including C-reactive protein, complete blood count, blood culture, and a functional echocardiogram on a GE Vivid T8 echocardiography machine. Results: Patients with neonatal sepsis had considerably greater RVO, LVO, and SVC flow than controls. Additionally, gram-negative sepsis had much greater LVO, RVO, and SVC flow than gram-positive sepsis. Further study revealed that gram-negative LOS had considerably greater LVO, RVO, and SVCF than gram-positive LOS, while gram-negative and gram-positive EOS showed no appreciable differences. Prematurity as well as low birth weight were the commonest risk factors for sepsis. Gram-negative bacteria overwhelmed gram-positive ones. The most prevalent gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria were CONS and Klebsiella pneumoniae respectively. Neonatal sepsis patients had considerably greater levels of WBCs and a prolonged capillary refill time than controls, while their platelet counts were much lower than controls. Conclusions and Recommendations: In newborn sepsis, serious cardiovascular consequences are frequent. To better assess RVO, LVO, and SVCF in newborns with sepsis, multicenter studies on several populations are advised.
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Mahmoud Mahmoud Noureldeen; Hadeer Mohammed Abdallah; Dalia Saber Morgan; Khaled Mohammed Hussien. "Evaluation of superior vena cava flow and cardiac output in neonatal sepsis using functional echocardiography", Egyptian Journal of Medical Research, 6, 1, 2025, -. doi: 10.21608/ejmr.2023.227259.1435
Noureldeen, M., Abdallah, H., Morgan, D., Hussien, K. (2025). 'Evaluation of superior vena cava flow and cardiac output in neonatal sepsis using functional echocardiography', Egyptian Journal of Medical Research, 6(1), pp. -. doi: 10.21608/ejmr.2023.227259.1435
Noureldeen, M., Abdallah, H., Morgan, D., Hussien, K. Evaluation of superior vena cava flow and cardiac output in neonatal sepsis using functional echocardiography. Egyptian Journal of Medical Research, 2025; 6(1): -. doi: 10.21608/ejmr.2023.227259.1435