Aim: The purpose of this study is to determine whether a low dose of Sildenafil citrate during the first trimester of pregnancy helps pregnant women who have experienced repeated miscarriages without a clear cause. Patients and methods: There were two groups of pregnant women in this randomized controlled experiment; one group had a history of many, unexplained miscarriages in the first trimester, while the other group did not, each group consisting of 50 pregnant patients: Group I: 50 participants received aspirin 75 mg/ day oral tablet & folic acid 5 mg/ day oral tablet. 2) Group II: 50 participants received aspirin 75 mg/ day oral tablet, folic acid 5 mg/ day oral tablet, and sildenafil citrate 20 mg tablets once daily. The treatment will continue till 14 weeks of gestation. All patients were subjected to a complete history and clinical examination. Ultrasound examination was done for confirmation of pregnancy, dating in early pregnancy, and cervical dimension was done for exclusion of cervical incompetence. Results: Our study showed that there was a significantly lower PI and RI between the sildenafil group than the control groups in the 10th week (p-value <0.05). There was a significantly higher rate of completeness of pregnancy in the sildenafil group than in control groups till the 14th week of gestation (P-value <0.05). Conclusion: Oral sildenafil citrate in low dose 20mg increases uterine artery blood flow, which is reflected by PI and RI. Oral sildenafil citrate in a low dose of 20mg with Folic acid 5mg and Aspirin 75mg reduces the incidence of occurrence of unexplained recurrent miscarriage during 1st trimester of pregnancy.
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Ewis, M., Noureldin, A., Shawky, S., & Ali, S. (2025). Role of Oral Administration of Sildenafil Citrate in Women with Recurrent Unexplained Miscarriage in First Trimester. Egyptian Journal of Medical Research, 6(1), -. doi: 10.21608/ejmr.2024.314561.1678
Mohamed A.M Ewis; Ahmed Mahmoud Noureldin; Sherwet M Shawky; Salwa Mahmoud Ali. "Role of Oral Administration of Sildenafil Citrate in Women with Recurrent Unexplained Miscarriage in First Trimester", Egyptian Journal of Medical Research, 6, 1, 2025, -. doi: 10.21608/ejmr.2024.314561.1678
Ewis, M., Noureldin, A., Shawky, S., Ali, S. (2025). 'Role of Oral Administration of Sildenafil Citrate in Women with Recurrent Unexplained Miscarriage in First Trimester', Egyptian Journal of Medical Research, 6(1), pp. -. doi: 10.21608/ejmr.2024.314561.1678
Ewis, M., Noureldin, A., Shawky, S., Ali, S. Role of Oral Administration of Sildenafil Citrate in Women with Recurrent Unexplained Miscarriage in First Trimester. Egyptian Journal of Medical Research, 2025; 6(1): -. doi: 10.21608/ejmr.2024.314561.1678