Submuscular bridge plating for pediatric femur fractures

Document Type : Original Article


1 Orthopedics department, Faculty of Medicine, Beni-Suef University, Egypt

2 Orthopedics department, Fayoum insurance hospital, Fayoum, Egypt


Background: Pediatric femur shaft fractures account for 1.4%–1.7% of all pediatric fractures and have an estimated annual rate of 19:100,000. Road traffic accidents and fall from height are the most common cause of femur shaft fractures in pediatric group. The method used for surgical treatment of pediatric femoral shaft fracture is still controversial with multiple options available and no clear consensus on the preferred modality of management. The goal of this study is to evaluate both functional and radiological outcomes of fixation of pediatric femur fractures with submuscular bridging plate in the age group between 6 to 12 years. Patient and method: 60 children with femoral shaft fractures were treated by submuscular bridging plate, with evaluation of this type of fixation regarding time to union and postoperative complication (limitation of knee motion, loss of reduction, delayed or non-union and limb length discrepancy) Results: Submascular bridging plate in pediatric femur fractures is a reliable method of fixation with excellent healing potential and minimal amount of complications. Conclusion: Submascular bridging plate in pediatric femur fractures is a reliable method of fixation with excellent healing potential and minimal amount of complications. It can be used in both length stable and unstable fractures regardless the patient’s weight. It has advantages over the other methods of fixation. However it requires a high learning curve, more intraoperative time and more intraoperative exposure to fluoroscopy.


Main Subjects

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